A family promenade and a cleaner riverbank: any single action matters
The Orco river flows not far away from the Chivasso plant, which is part of our MA Division.
Here a group of MA's employees together with their families met on a sunny Saturday on June 1st for a special walk along the river. The intent was to spend the day together first of all, but with a specific mission: to collect waste and gargabe abandoned along it and leave the place cleaner.

This environmental walking day involved around 60 people from the various local Group's plants and had as main goal to sensitise all the participants about the environmental concerns, the importance of recycling and the safeguard of nature and natural landscape.
Not only, the walk offered the opportunity of becoming more and more aware of pollution and the extent of damage made daily by people.
Collecting abandoned rubbish or waste carried by the river's waters represented a concrete gesture and, indeed, a great environmental lesson to everyone who attended this special green day.
Small actions matter too.