The Board of Directors of CLN S.p.A.

Shareholders and Board of Directors


The international development strategy of the Group started in the 1970-80s, giving birth to a chain of alliances.
Today, besides the Magnetto family – who owns 75% of the Group’s capital –, the main shareholder is:


The close cooperation with ArcelorMittal, the world’s leading steel and mining company, started in 1974. Cooperation started as a supplier of flat and long stainless steel products, first as Usinor and later, in 1990, as Sollac, and lastly with Arcelor in 2002, who entered the CLN holding with a 35% shareholding in 1989.
Today, ArcelorMittal holds about 25% shareholding and is one of our most prominent steel suppliers.

Board of Directors

President and CEO

Aurora Magnetto


Gabriele Perris Magnetto


Director with special appointments

Vincenzo Perris



Raffaella Perris Magnetto

Beatrice Perris Magnetto

Hervé, Jean Jaques Guyot

Ramesh Kumar Kothari

Reiner Blaschek



Board of Statutory Auditors


Paolo Burlando


Regular Auditors

Mauro Messi

Gianmarco Amico di Meane


Alternate Auditors

Alessandra Odorisio

Riccardo Ronchi