The first body in white project by FaMMA: 269 steel components obtained by stamping and welding.
Quality, passion for details
Product quality and Customer Satisfaction. Supply chain.
Product quality and Customer Satisfaction
Employees in the Group always work whilst bearing in mind that the constant pursuit of product excellence and quality is the key factor required in order to be recognized as a global market leader in steel and aluminium processing. Our employees are expected to engage in the following activities on a daily basis to meet this objective, and to set qualitative objectives or quantitative targets to monitor progress:
- Ensure industrial processes are fully reliable from the very beginning of newly commissioned projects;
- Ensure the correct level of human resource skills are in place through training on product and process;
- Ensure the specified maintenance cycles are carried out and preventative maintenance principles are observed.
- Closely monitor supplier quality;
- Inform employees of customer expectations and their key role in guaranteeing that they are met;
- Ensure our products do not have negative health and safety impacts on the final customer;
Product quality is measured mainly through customer satisfaction. In a sector distinguished by an incredibly high level of competition, customer satisfaction manifests itself through the renewal of existing orders once the products have reached their end-of-life, and through new, incoming orders.
The Group’s has consistently been able to renew its business with its customer base which demonstrates the high regard of our customers for our products.
Supply chain
Suppliers play a fundamental role in the pursuit of high quality and the competitiveness of the Group’s products. For this reason the Group has a strategy to limit its supply base to those suppliers who are able to properly support the goal of product excellence and quality.
The main purchase/supplier types are as follows:
- Raw material
- Direct goods and services for production purposes
- Investments in plant and machinery
- Tooling and dies
Purchases of raw materials (steel and aluminium in particular) are carried out through a limited number of large multinational manufacturers, or from suppliers nominated by the end customer using a “resale” mechanism. These suppliers have very stringent control processes in place and can generally guarantee a very high level of quality.
Direct goods and services for production purposes – related directly to the production cycle – mainly include semi-finished goods, transportation, energy, maintenance, and cleaning. There is a vast supplier pool for such services, and suppliers are mainly located in the nations in which the Group operates, given the demand to provide prompt assistance to the production activities.
In order to maintain the highest possible level of customer satisfaction, the Group carefully selects its suppliers for plant and machinery and tooling/dies based upon objective quality and reliability characteristics, technological innovation, and value for money.
The Group is gradually increasing the requirement for suppliers to meet high social, human rights and environmental standards by increasing the importance of these issues within the assessment of its suppliers. Group suppliers are required to fully comply with local legislation and to implement a solid internal governance structure dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility.