Our social commitment

Social aspects and relationship with the local context.

Social initiatives.

Cooperation with Universities.

Fondazione Mario e Anna Magnetto Ente Filantropico.

Social aspects and relationship with the local context

The Group has a strong sense of responsibility and commitment towards the local context, made up of the economic, social, and cultural activities of civil society and the formal institutions present in the areas in which the Group companies operate.
The Group has always put effort in supporting social, health, and cultural/natural heritage initiatives, just as it has always closely monitored the presence of new businesses arriving through university spinoffs and aligned to the Group in terms of core values.

Social initiatives

The Group offers donations and contributions to charities operating in the fields of social well-being, medical research, and the safeguarding of cultural/natural heritage.

Safeguarding cultural heritage
CLN is member of Consulta per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Artistici e Culturali di Torino (board for the promotion of cultural/artistic heritage of Turin).

Social well-being
CLN supports Certosa 1515 of Gruppo Abele, an organization born in Turin in 1965 and founded by Father Luigi Ciotti to assist those in need of help to regain a place in society.

CLN supports Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro ONLUS (Piedmontese foundation for cancer research), established to provide substantial support to fight cancer by means of the creation of a Piedmont oncology network, combining scientific research and clinical practice, and offering oncology patients the best human and technological resources available today.
CLN supports Fondazione Italiana per la lotta al Neuroblastoma ONLUS, an Italian charity established to fight neuroblastoma cancer and solid tumours in children through innovative research projects aimed towards finding new and effective personalized therapies and cures.

Cooperation with Universities

For a number of years now, the Group has partnered several specialized cooperation projects with private research centres and universities, through the Open Innovation initiative, to promote – on the one hand – research and technological innovation in the main areas of operation of the Group’s companies, and – on the other hand – to support, in terms of both funding and know-how, start-ups born from university research projects focused on sustainable transport.
Investments in such fields are included in a strategic development plan that involves, in particular, the electric vehicle and future transportation sectors. In this way, the Group aims to position itself at the centre of global changes and trends, and at the same time to more confidently define its corporate strategy and technological orientation within its current business sector, in order to identify new growth opportunities. The Group cooperates, among others, with:
I3P Incubatore Imprese Innovative Politecnico di Torino (innovative enterprise incubator of the Turin Polytechnic): funding and technical cooperation in research projects and innovative enterprise ideas.
Turin Polytechnic: research and development projects with undergraduate and PhD students, also through the awarding of scholarships.
TO e-district/I-FEVS/POLI MODEL: development and manufacture of an electric city car, Plus Moby e-car, funded by the European Union; cooperation in material supply, cost engineering, and commercialization.
BeonD: a business reality born as an idea of the IEHV (Innovative Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles) research team – which CLN owns 10% of – within the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Turin Polytechnic, that has developed an innovative ULEV (Ultra Light Electric Vehicle) platform designed to be a model for sustainable urban transportation.

Fondazione Mario e Anna Magnetto Ente Filantropico

Additionally, the Fondazione Mario e Anna Magnetto Ente Filantropico, an ideal reflection of the social commitment of the Group’s founder and his family, directly and indirectly supports projects in the following fields:
Health: Support and research, prevention and assistance in the field of cardiovascular and neurological diseases.
Work and entrepreneurship: The business viewed as a system combining work, willpower, innovative spirit, and responsibility. A job help desk to respond to the serious employment crisis in our country.
Local context: Preservation, restoration, and promotion of the local context.
Children: Support of paediatric activities, strong interest in primary schools and assistance to children living in situations of poverty or who are disabled.
Culture: Support and promotion of cultural initiatives in the local context.